...es gibt keine Erklärungen, denn alles ist in seiner Vollendung im Entstehungsprozess unendlich.....
…there are no explanations, because everything is in its perfection process endless….

Mapping a village all-day-life :

between those who leave and those who arrive anew.

An artistic investigation about a small village near a natural park. The region is facing a massive agro-industrialization:

thousands of agricultural workers are needed for the huge quantities of red fruits grown in the natural park.

They come from twenty-two different countries from all over the world.

The infrastructure of the village is not prepared for such an income of thousands of people.

A new all-day culture has emerged.

I have analysed this very complex situation from different angles and over a long period of time.

The project is part of "S.Teotónio na drome" and was photographed entirely on analogue film.

You can download the art-newspaper (in german language) on the following Button:


Anas grandma, my neighbor, and..."

Life in the hinterland of Portugal is not as we imagine it when we visit the beautiful beaches in summer.

Most houses are not connected to electricity or fresh water supply.

In winter, the struggle with the harsh Atlantic climate - with temperatures as low as zero degrees - is to stay warm in the houses without heating systems.

My photos try to show the lack of wealth that we in Central Europe do not want to miss: Electricity, heating, water supply, warm houses.

What is the key to be happy and satisfied?

This project was shot entirely on analogue film.

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