...es gibt keine Erklärungen, denn alles ist in seiner Vollendung im Entstehungsprozess unendlich.....
…there are no explanations, because everything is in its perfection process endless….

Hello, I am Barbara.

My hole life I had the feeling, I do not belong anywhere. I was always searching a place where I belong to. I found this place within my passion to social- and cultural science and art.

I started to comunicate my oberservations with photographs, videoinstallations and art - trying to  make knowledge asseccible to everybody. Thats why I although work as a cultural mediator und curator.

Please contact me for more Information:

Ihre Nachricht an uns

Prof. Dr. Heibach 
about my work on display windows 
„Schaufenster im Schaufenster“ November 2021, Regensburg 

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Barbara Wimmer-Bulin studied social and cultural anthropology and sociology at the University of Tübingen and has since then worked as a freelance photographic artist, exhibition organizer and teacher.

Her life spans several nations. She was born in Africa/Togo, spent her childhood days in Bavaria, enjoyed her youth in Portugal and finally grew up in Prague.

She is always searching for her home, if THE home even exists. With her return to Bavaria, however, she experienced a new perspective on places and language.

With this background, she deals with socio-critical topics at the interface between science and art and works documentary in the sense of visual anthropology.

Her artistic focus is on the subject of the human-environment relationship. Questions such as: is man a creator or a destroyer, accompanies her work, as does the question of a balanced coexistence.
Miljkovic about my stillife photography „Thougt to be dead“ 2013

"Fremdartig und surrealistisch wirken die künstlerischen Fotografien von Barbara Wimmer. Sie sammelt tote Insekten, Gräser und Samen, Attribute und Spuren des Lebens, an verschiedenen Orten, arrangiert sie in Gläsern oder Schachteln zu einer filigranen, künstlichen Welt. Sie erschafft damit neue Räume, in denen sich elementare Fragen nach Leben und Tod widerspiegeln.

Was ist der Mensch - Schöpfer oder Zerstörer?
In ihren Stillleben lässt sie Raum für den Betrachter, jeden für sich die Antwort zu finden. Es gibt keine Lösung, nur die Anregung nachzudenken."
Laudatio from Dr. Vera Bachmann 
at the exhibition „In den Zwischenräumen ruht die Hoffnung“ (In t he space between lies the Hope) 2022 with my mother Tabea Wimmer 
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